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Reasons Why Sefidab Rushur Exfoliation Is Getting More Popular In The Past Decade

Rooshoor London

Sefidab (Rooshoor) has been used for thousands of years, sefidab is one of the oldest skincare treatments and a traditional Persian beauty secret. It is an ancient method for cleaning the skin and getting rid of dead cells. Sefidab makes skin renewal possible as a result.

This skincare product has a long history in Persia. There is evidence from archaeologists that it was used as early as 2000–4500 BC. In Farsi, sefidab translates to "white water."

Dead skin can be exfoliated with sefidab, a traditional Iranian cosmetic and cleanser made of natural minerals. It consequently leaves your skin smooth and radiant. It can be quite successful in removing blackheads and whiteheads from skin that is prone to acne.

Sefidab is suitable for all skin types both for women and men. However, you should use that with caution if you have dry or sensitive skin.

On the other hand, Sefidab is a miraculous skincare product that exfoliates and rejuvenates. It's interesting that that works for the whole body. Showering with Sefidab is customarily done. They scrub the body vigorously after rubbing Sefidab on a cleaning mitt. Consequently, it eliminates debris and dead skin, leaving the skin feeling smooth.

After just one usage, you'll feel a genuine exfoliation unlike anything you've ever felt! Unbelievably, sugar scrubs pale in comparison to this incredible natural skincare.

What does Sefidab look like?

The Sefidab is a natural white-colored chalky substance that seems like a relatively soft stone. It looks a bit like a dense piece of chalk.

Sefidab was first found in the Sefitab cave in Iran. This is why its name went after this location. However, it has changed to Sefidab through passing chest-to-chest amongst people over years.

Sefidab, known as Ruşur (Rushur) stone as well, is natural and mineral cleansing skincare that has roots in the bath culture of Iran. Iranians have used this incredible exfoliating natural skincare for a very long time.

In fact, this ancient exfoliating formula has been the beauty secret of Iranian men and women for many years.

Why is Sefidab so popular?

Use Sefidab gently on your face to remove dead skin, blackheads, and whiteheads, Wow! You’ll soon realise how magical is that. You have to use brand skincare for a month to soothe your chafed skin as Sefidab does! 

How does it work?

Millions of years ago, marine organism skeletons and shells settled on ocean floors, forming rich deposits of calcium carbonate in rocks. Over time, the Earth’s heat and pressure have converted these deposits into naturally white calcium carbonates. Calcium carbonate is the main key ingredient in Sefidab.

You may not know this, but calcium carbonate has a pH value of around 10!

So the question is why is it so gentle to the skin? Iranian ancestors have found a great way to turn this mineral into a greatskincare product.

They mixed naturally extracted calcium carbonate with animal fat. And this is the secret behind that. Animal fat has a pH value of less than 4. For your reference, salicylic acid has a pH range of 3-4.

Therefore, the mixture of calcium carbonate and animal fat has a balanced pH. Therefore, it is very gentle to the skin. Indeed, calcium carbonate in Sefidab is a micron-size powder that can exfoliate your skin mechanically.

On the other hand, The acid fat in Sefidab may react with the skin in a way that allows dead skin to be easily sloughed away.

These give Sefidab both chemical and mechanical exfoliating properties.

So, it is true if we say “ use Sefidab and catch 3 birds with one stone”. As it removes dead skin and diminishes acne 1- Naturally through the mix of 2- Chemical and 3- Mechanical exfoliation!

Sefidab is a great weapon to fight acne

Calcium carbonate is a perfect oil absorber. It removes oil from the skin and therefore is effective in blemish and acne treatment.

Moreover, Sefidab can unclog skin pores during dead skin removal which is helpful to reduce acne symptoms.

Indeed, the application of Sefidab reduces facial pores and lines that are formed by dead skins. As a result, free spots on the face available to bacteria and dirt to penetrate the skin and stay there for a long time is minimized. This may reduce inflammation, helps fighting acne, and improves inflammatory skin conditions such as psoriasis.

How to exfoliate skin with Sefidab Rooshoor?

The use of Sefidab is easy. We recommend exfoliating your skin with Sefidab while showering or bathing. These are some steps to get rid the dead skin.

Instructions :

#1 Rinse your face with water but do not use soap before the process. You can soap up afterward.

#2  Break one ball of Sefidan in half and smash it with your fingers. You can add some drops of water to make a Sefidab paste.

#3 Gently massage the paste into your face in circular upward motions, using the lengths of your fingers [more information here].

#4 Avoid the eye and upper lip area. You can start the exfoliation process from your forehead.

#5 Continue exfoliation for 3-5 minutes and then wash your face with water.

Is Sefidab safe for skin?

Calcium carbonate in Sefidab is the main ingredient in many skincare products. It is also used in toothpaste and mouthwash products to cleanse or deodorize the teeth and mouth. Calcium carbonate is generally safe for developing skin cancer, toxicity, and allergies.

As reported by Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) in 2017 calcium carbonate is considered safe for use in cosmetics (subject to concentration [up to 40%] or use limitations).

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